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TreasureMap is a place where college students can easily keep up with on-campus events including club meetings, speaker series, and performances through an interactive map and timeline. Checkout the interactive prototype down below.

This project has not been fully implemented, the following content is a high fedelity prototype on Figma.

Problem Statement:

Current methods of information dissemination, such as paper bulletin boards and email, are not effective and may result in students missing out on important events.

Users & Audience:

The audience of this platform would be students, club organizers, and student engagement offices at colleges.

Key Features:

1. Time machine

Users are able to use the timeline feature by dragging the button to peek at future events. In the example below, we can see the events that are happening right now and the events that will happen in 24 hours.

events now
events in 24 hours

2. Event details & friends attendence

Users are able click into an event and easily see the details of the event, and view whether their friends are attending that event.


3. Saving an event to home page

Users can save an event to their home hub, which can be easily accessed by swiping up from control panel.


Interactive Prototype:

Updated on Aug 25th, 2024

©Steven Songqi Pu 2024